Source Water Protection Planning

Beardy’s and Okemasis Cree Nation Source Water Protection Plan

Drinking water contamination continues to plague a disproportionate number of Indigenous communities in Canada.  Beardy’s and Okemasis Cree Nation in Saskatchewan have a long history of water quality concerns.  Water distribution in the community is primarily by truck to household cisterns which presents an elevated risk of contamination. The Beardy’s and Okemasis Source Water Protection Plan focusses on drinking water protection, aquatic habitat restoration and youth education.  This transformative approach will aid in improving drinking water quality for their community.


The plan includes aquatic habitat inventory and environmental water monitoring to guide risk assessments and management actions for community members. The delivery of water science, ecosystem and habitat protection education has been provided to students within the community.  Activities such as water monitoring, field inspections, community clean-up, and will raise youth awareness around safe drinking water, water safety and human health. 


To access the Beady’s and Okemasis Cree Nation Source Water Protection Plan and their community video click the links below.  Water is Life: Beardy’s and Okemasis Cree Nation is a video that tells the importance of water to the Nation, and to all life on Earth.  Getting the next generations involved and sharing knowledge within the community is an important part of everyday life at Beardy’s and Okemasis Cree Nation.  It is our wish that you enjoy the video and learn from it.

Caring for our Watersheds