Climate Change Adaptation Planning

Watershed Stewardship for a Changing Climate – Community-Based Climate Action

With support from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), SAW is beginning the process of developing watershed-based climate change adaptation plans throughout Saskatchewan – for each watershed district, as well as a provincial-wide plan (see map). 

With future changes in precipitation (i.e., patterns and variability), temperature (i.e., maximum and minimum temperatures), and extreme events (i.e., droughts and floods), the ability of watersheds to provide water and other critical watershed services will be impacted. Regionally, communities need to understand what climate change issues that they face, and how they can proactively adapt.  


The climate change adaptation planning process will help to build each community’s capacity to adapt to climate change impacts and effects by bringing together community members and leadership to develop a plan for adaptation to future climate change. 


Over the course of the project, committee members and attendees will participate in various engagement meetings and activities to identify the local effects and impacts of climate change and discuss ways to adapt and become more resilient to these changes.  


We will focus our discussion on four topics: natural systems, human health, cultural resources/economic activity, and community infrastructure. Our goal is to ensure we have diverse representation from all communities throughout Saskatchewan. 


This project has the following objectives: 

  • Develop 6 climate-change adaptation plans across Saskatchewan’s entirety (5 regional district plans, and 1 provincial wide plan) that can aid communities to become more adaptive and resilient to climate-change related risks. 
  • Build capacity and provide education and awareness to youth, urban and rural communities, Indigenous communities, government, and industry about climate changes and demonstrate how we can work together to reduce climate change impacts.  
  • Develop and implement 6 climate adaptation demonstration sites that will showcase climate change adaptation Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) that rural and urban communities can adopt to reduce climate change impacts (i.e., cover cropping management, rotational grazing systems, food forests, floating wetlands, green infrastructure, etc.). Demonstration field days will be organized for the public to tour and collect information. Professional videos will be completed at each demonstration site and uploaded to SAW’s website and social media platforms for the public to access.  
  • Promote the outcomes of the plans to communities, government, Indigenous communities, and stakeholders.  
  • Provide completed watershed districtbased climate change adaptation plans on the SAW and stakeholder websites. 
For any inquiries, please contact for more information. 

While Saskatchewan has a naturally variable semi-arid climate, climate model projections for the Canadian Prairies suggest warming temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, and an increase in the frequency and magnitude of extreme events. Agricultural producers and communities will need to build resiliency and adapt to changing climatic conditions.

With support from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), SAW will showcase a series of climate change adaptation demonstration sites. In the first video of this series, Saskatchewan Producer, Aaron Gray, and Dr. David Sauchyn, PARC – University of Regina, discuss the importance of adaptation and the benefits of best management practices (BMPs) that can be adopted to build resiliency. 

              Coming Soon!                Northeast Watershed District Climate Change Adaptation Plan

              Coming Soon!                Southeast Watershed District Climate Change Adaptation Plan

                     Coming Soon!               Southwest Watershed District Climate Change Adaptation Plan

                     Coming Soon!               Northern Watershed District Climate Change Adaptation Plan

Floating Treatment Wetlands

Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTW) are artificial platforms that host native, emergent wetland plants to support their growth in deep water, where they typically wouldn’t grow.  This portable wetland ecosystem can filter nutrients, pollutants and settle sediment to the bottom of the pond resulting in improved water quality.

Floating Treatment Wetlands provide many benefits that include:

  • Capturing and filtering contaminants such as heavy metals, oils, pesticides and chemicals, nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Providing habitat for wildlife – including pollinators.
  • Controlling aquatic growth and algae.
  • Reducing sludge and suspended solids.
  • Creating natural green space in communities.

Forestry and Climate Resiliency

In September 2024, SAW partnered with Weyerhaeuser to hold a Climate Resiliency and Forestry workshop and tour in Hudson Bay at Weyerhaeuser’s Oriented Strand Board (OSB) mill and active operation sites. Workshop participants learned about the climate related challenges that the forestry industry faces, climate smart forestry, and the BMPs Weyerhaeuser has been adopting to ensure the long-term sustainability of the forest while remaining economically viable.