Working with producers to increase the implementation of select Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) on farms in Saskatchewan and Manitoba to address issues related to climate change in agriculture.
With support from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), SAW is in the process of developing watershed-based climate change adaptation plans throughout Saskatchewan – for each watershed district, as well as a provincial-wide plan.
Invasive fish and invertebrate species pose a significant threat to the health of our creeks, rivers, and lakes. Learn about what we're doing to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species and how you can help.
ALUS SAW is a unique and exciting collaboration between the Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds and ALUS. This collaboration was launched in the Carrot River watershed with the goal of bringing the ALUS model to farming and ranching communities across Saskatchewan in the coming years.
The Saskatchewan Tree for Life Program seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise funds to support water quality in our lakes and rivers. The program is run seasonally typically each spring.